Why Montessori?

In the Montessori classroom:

  • Your child’s learning is not limited to a pre-determined, “one-size-fits-all” curriculum.
  • Your child has the opportunity to choose work that interests him or her. There is a direct connection between interest and absorption.
  • Your child is not restricted to a particular space in the classroom.
  • Your child learns through hands-on materials.
  • Your child can work on an interesting challenge for long periods of time without having to stop for classroom transitions.
  • Your child has the opportunity to work with children of different ages, enhancing learning for all.
  • Your child learns to collaborate with other students.
  • Your child’s classroom is calm and conducive to learning, allowing students the self-confidence to be quiet, sociable, and polite.
  • Your child learns in an atmosphere of mutual respect, courtesy, and empathy.
  • Your child learns internal and external self-discipline and develops the ability to pay attention and to stay on task.
  • Your child experiences the joy that comes from real learning.

Why Montessori?

It is the child’s way of learning… He learns everything without knowing he is learning it, and in doing so he passes little by little from the unconscious to the conscious…

—Dr. Maria Montessori, MD